Posts tagged ‘Son of Ereubus’

Finally Time! Free E-book ‘Son of Ereubus’ by J.S. Chancellor

The time has finally arrived!

Here is the link for the free copy of Son of Ereubus (it will go live shortly. If it isn’t yet, don’t panic, just check back in a little while). Once you reach the author page, there is a widget with sliders and you should see the different E-versions of the book available for download on the Son of Ereubus page. Again, there are no strings attached or special things you have to do—no lists to sign up for, nothing. Just free, pure and simple.

But, may I ask something of you?

No, I’m not going to ask you to purchase anything. What I would love, in exchange for giving you a free ebook, is that you tell just two people about it. That’s all. Just tweet it, Facebook it, blog it, whatever you do when you want to tell someone… If you have a reader bud, then email then, text them, or message them. Just tell two people about the book and where they can get it. I would deeply appreciate it!

Thank you! I hope you enjoy the book! I hope you like it enough to fall in love with the trilogy as a whole. I hope you’ll give it a good review if you do. If you have any questions, you can reach me at my email address I try to answer all emails within a two or three day frame and I’m ALWAYS up for book talk, so please don’t hesitate to send me a line.

A HUGE ‘thanks’ goes to Neil Gaiman who originally gave me this idea: Hope you have a great time on your trip—be safe!

Also, once you’re done reading book one, you can find Book Two: Blood of Adoria, available for pre-order on the same page as the free download at Rhemalda (it will show up on B&N and Amazon later in the month of March). Here is the cover!

Most sincerely,

J.S. Chancellor

Free Copy of Son of Ereubus Coming in March! by JS Chancellor

I’m passing along a post by my fellow author, JS Chancellor. If you like free books that are also well-written then this is for you!


Free Copy of Son of Ereubus

So, after watching some commentary by Neil Gaiman of American Gods, and talking with my publisher, we’ve decided that for the entire month of March, we’re going to give away E-copies of Son of Ereubus, Book One in the Guardians of Legend Trilogy. No, really, no gimmicks, no contests or stuff you’ve gotta do. Just free, plain and simple. I’ll post the links here once they’re up, and they’ll go live 12:01 am on March 1st.

Why? Because it makes sense to in light of everything that’s going on with the book having already been pirated. Neil pointed out, that lots of people have picked up a new author from having been lent a book. This is, en masse, a very similar situation. We’re making the best of it.

Rhemalda and J.S. Chancellor (my pen name) were mentioned in a media brief that went out about two weeks ago. Forbes, USA Today, Google, and Yahoo news (amongst others) picked the story up. Essentially, the press release stated that Rhemalda, as a small press, was making lemonade out of lemons, and turning a negative thing into a positive by asking those who’d downloaded the book illegally, to leave reviews of it. I asked the same thing on my FB fanpage. Worked like a charm. My Goodreads, and Amazon review numbers went up significantly after that public plea.

This is only one step further, and it’s a great way to build readership for the series. After all, these aren’t, in any way, stand-alone stories. Not everyone likes  that in a trilogy, but for those who do, it is one REALLY big story that was cut into three reasonably sized books.

So, this is a shameless plea for help. Please help me get the word out about our giving the book away. It will be available here, the Guardians blog, and the Rhemalda website, but not on Amazon, B&N, or any of the other ereader sites, so we’ll need as much help as possible to get the book into as many hands as possible. Plus, who doesn’t love free stuff? Right? I love free stuff.

Thank you in advance, for your support, and continued readership. I sincerely hope that this will give some folks who wouldn’t otherwise have the money, the opportunity to read the book! That’s what I’m most excited about—reaching those readers I might otherwise have missed.

Much love,
