Posts tagged ‘law of attraction’

Designing Your MasterPeace!

the law of attraction

May 17, 2011


Back in my early twenties I learned that my mindset is what turns my goals into a reality. It was a life changer for me. But it took a deeper explanation of the Law of Attraction a decade later to make me aware of the true power behind this knowledge.

It can be challenging, even for me, to put the knowledge into practice in a way that yields positive results. We’re all accustomed to focusing on the problem we’re trying to fix or the absence of the thing we want. I always recommend that you only focus on a few important goals at a time. It’s overwhelming to give your whole life a makeover at once.

This week’s article is about focusing on attraction principles in business. Even if you’ve been deliberately using the Law of Attraction for years, it’d be a good experiment to use the information to manifest one specific goal in your business over the next month. Come with a beginner’s mind, a master’s focus and commitment.

I want to hear how it’s going! Post your updates on my FaceBook Fan Page here (Which needs some attention and love!).

NO COST Teleclass:

Today! Tuesday, May 17th at 2pm PDT/5pm EDT/10pm GMT –Deliberate Prosperity…It’s not luck, It’s Planned. Join Eva Gregory and me to learn how to consistently upgrade your wealth setpoint. Register Here.

In fun,

“Your thoughts not only matter, they create
matter. Thought is where everything comes
from. And your thoughts are where your
business comes from. ”

–John Assaraf, The Answer

Divinely Guided Business – It’s NOT Too Late!

Get to know the best business expert on the planet… your Divine Guidance.

Show me a truly successful business owner that has prosperity, joy and life balance and I’ll show you a person who has tapped into this resource.

It’s available to everyone but most people are completely ignoring it.

Cultivating the relationship between you and your Inner Business Expert is the most potent action you can take to…

  • Create flow in your daily actions
  • Make significant leaps in your income
  • Get complete downloads (ideas, solutions and action steps) for your ideal strategies
  • Put your creative juices at an all time high
  • And leverage attraction principles to their umpteenth degree

Divine Guidance…Unleash it to Create Magic in your Business!

Be a wise business person and invest 3 months of your life to make a solid connection with the fastest short cut to manifestation in business and living your ideal life.

Check out the details of my newly designed Divine Guidance 3-month tele-program with Bridget Engel (who used her Divine Guidance to become a millionaire in her thirties) here.

Began last Tuesday, but you can get on Class #2 today at 12pm Pacific/ 3:00 pm Eastern and listen to the mp3 of Class #1!

Attraction and Business Results

I believe anything is possible in business. I believe that you can create gargantuan results without a whole lot of knowledge about the area you wish to experience success in. I believe that you can turn a struggling business into a very profitable business in less than a year.

Someone else told me these things and I believed it. Then I experienced all of the above and it took my beliefs about what is possible in my business into an entirely new realm.

I also did the same turnaround with my health. This gave me more evidence that what I think about is the ONLY thing that gives me results in life. Whenever you can see the positive impact of your thoughts, it boosts your sense of control about all of your desired outcomes.

It is my secret weapon in business.

I’ve been talking about the Law of Attraction for over a decade. I’ve coached enough people who “say” they are using attraction principles to know that I need to explain a bit more to squeeze the most out of their efforts.

Yes, whatever you give your attention to is what you will create more of. That’s law of Attraction at a very basic level and not really enough information to get those high-octane results on a consistent basis.

More of the nitty gritty of attraction in business…

  1. You have to truly believe that thoughts create every piece of your reality. Every client, every income increase or decrease, and every person that supports your business as a vendor, employee or contractor is a direct result of your beliefs and focus.
  2. Know the essence (the qualities) of your desired outcome and make a decision that you will get it.
  3. Course correct when you notice you are spending more time on your problem or lack of progress than the desired outcome.
  4. Give yourself some time to see the magical manifestations. Getting ticked off about the lack of evidence of your progress will only slow down the process.
  5. Practice. Practice. You must train your brain that results are a direct reflection of how you think. Stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off aimlessly taking action. Course correct as many times as it takes.
  6. Make space for peace and fun. Without these two things, you will be slow to see results in your business and overwhelm will consume you.
  7. Take action and implement new business strategies only when you feel very sure that it is the ideal action and strategy for you.
  8. Don’t worry about what other people think or if they are doing better than you. You don’t need to do all that the experts are saying in order to be a success. Mind your OWN business.
  9. You have an Inner Business Expert. Listen to the voice calling out inside of you. You are being given direct guidance all the time. It’s your job to trust that information.
  10. Continually focus on what you are doing well and acknowledge any progress that you are making. Focusing on progress will attract more progress. Pretty soon there will be an avalanche of evidence that you are a positive force to reckon with!
  11. Inspiration is everything in business. If an idea falls flat or something feels hard…STOP! Regroup, connect to your guidance and wait for a new way of moving forward that feels like a set up for winning with ease.

Of course, there are more nuances to attract business goals in a way that is fun, easy and joy-filled. Master the above and you’ll definitely see an increase in productivity, profits, ease and truly enjoy any time you spend in your biz.

© 2011 Master Peace Coaching

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE, BLOG OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Jeanna Gabellini, is a Master Business Coach who assists high achieving entrepreneurs, corporate leaders & their teams to leverage fun, systems and intentionality for high-octane results. An entrepreneur for 20 years she has a treasure trove of kick-butt tools to give you peace & profits. A Gift For You! Get your complimentary Business Building Audio CD “Transforming from Chaotic Entrepreneur to Conscious Leader” for the entrepreneur who wants to be a SUPERpreneur:

Planning for your Success is an Intention on Steroids

Making a plan and taking that first action step is always satisfying. Not just for your sense of accomplishment but things begin to move in other parts of your business as a result. Inspiration and creativity start cooking.

A plan breaks down your business vision into inspired steps that you can easily implement. A rockstar blueprint to success ensures rockstar status.

The cool part is, it’s your plan so you get to create your blueprint in a way that honors your work and life style. If you want six or seven figures, does your plan support that? Is who you are being as a leader in your company lined up with your vision?

Are you expecting success this year or sometime down the road?

Do you see what I’m getting at? Is your vision, plan, BEingness and daily
implementation getting you what you say you want?

If so, a BIG high five to YOU! You’re in the minority.

Are you playing big enough?

Is your JOY factor at an all time high?

If you want hand holding through the process of creating your HELL YES BluePrint for your business, and you’d love to dial in your vision, mindset, and the most important steps to get high-octane results in the profit and peace departments, listen up.

Kick your excuses about lack of time, know-how and funds to the curb. Set aside two full days to work on your business, get steeped in your ideal vision and get a business makeover or pump up.

It’s time to connect with your Inner Business Expert and me!

I’m coaching 25 business owners in my Business RX LIVE event this FALL, but as soon as you register, as a BONUS, your coaching will begin.

Get the full scoop here:

As soon as you register you’ll join a secret forum for online coaching by me personally over the next 4 months, plus a live coaching and training call each month until the event date!

Jump on my early-bird small payment plan of only $299 a month for 4 payments for this super exclusive and intimate training. This offer ends May 31st!

Details here:

Nobody else is offering anything close to this value. It’s important to me that you get your business, finances, head and heart all lined up so that you have a truly amazing business that produces exactly what you want…starting NOW!

Don’t fail your business by not planning to achieve flow, fun and growth in 2011 and 2012. Go to the Business Rx event page and fill out the application to score a 15-minute complimentary strategy session with me!

Get it here:

*I’ll be Speaking Here This Thursday!

You’re invited to a groundbreaking opportunity to receive leading-edge guidance from 16 of the world’s most accomplished self-improvement and business experts including yours truly – all for FREE – The Grow Yourself, Grow Your Business ” Online Expo.

Join me and thousands of other change-agents and small business owners for this phenomenal and unique learning opportunity. Not only will you be awestruck by the sheer quality of practical, immediately usable business and personal coaching advice you’ll receive, but you’ll want to share it with your clients, colleagues, friends, and family!

Click Here to Register for Free

I’ll be speaking on Thursday, May 17th about my FAVORITE topic: Money in 2011- Designing a Business that is Profitable & Peaceful. See you there!

A * next to a name means I’m a fan, and/or a customer, AND an affiliate. If you use my link, I’ll get affiliate credit, and that would be very nice. 🙂

Copyright 2004-2011. All Rights Reserved.

Jeanna Gabellini, CPCC
MASTERPEACE Coaching & Training
Ph: 707-747-0447

Email Jeanna at


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